Custom UI made easy with simplicity and total freedom
Xtend UI is a powerful frontend library of Tailwind CSS components enhanced by vanilla js. It helps you build interfaces with advanced interactions and animations.
Framework agnostic
Use it on vanilla html or in any popular javascript framework.
Custom Design
Customizable components that supports a wide range of designs.
Complex Interaction
Complex interaction logic managed internally by components.
User Experience
Support for advanced interaction and animations with simple usage.
A11y standards with automatic Aria attributes and keyboard navigation.
UX Themes
Themes focused on user experience instead of design.
For an overview of the main features visit the features page.
Modular Design Components
All components are primitive UI elements that promotes creativity with its support for complex design.
For example the card, list and media components are used in interaction components and can be nested as simple, modular and fully customizable classes.
Customizable Animations
You can animate components with Tailwind CSS variants or css or javascript, whatever you prefer or need to use.
Use class based animations with css or custom Tailwind CSS variants, for more complex animations you can use javascript animations with Gsap.
Complex Interactions
You can customize components interaction in many ways.
The interactive components supports many useful interactions managed internally, and integrate any custom code with well documented javascript API.
Tailwind CSS
- Tailwind CSS components class based with flexible design.
- Tailwind CSS custom variants for simple class based activations and animations.
Vanilla JS
- A system to mount components with mutation observer queries, to structure your javascript code better.
- Ecosystem of vanilla javascript plugins that does the hard things for you.
- Strong API with customizable behaviours.
- Complex interaction from js components you only need to specify custom animations.
- Scroll, sticky and parallax animations withGsap ScrollTrigger.