
Animation is a component with animation setup and utils.


You can customize the default styles of this component inside tailwind.config.js setting theme.extend.xtendui.animation see css customization. Check xtendui/src/animation.css.js for default styles.

Global Styles

Add to the body the class xt-body to have this features:

  • Prefers Reduced Motion, automatically disables duration for css animation and transition when the the user has activated "Prefers Reduced Motion". You can disable this feature with xt-optout-prm and keep others xt-body features.

  • Initial component animations, automatically disables duration for animation and transition on initial class used in components init and reinit. You can disable this feature with xt-optout-initial and keep others xt-body features.


  • If you want custom easing in gsap use this code with your custom easing.
import gsap from 'gsap'

/* custom easing */

import bezierEasing from 'bezier-easing'

gsap.registerEase('in', progress => {
  const easing = bezierEasing(1, 0, 1, 0.5)
  return easing(progress)

gsap.registerEase('out', progress => {
  const easing = bezierEasing(0, 1, 0.5, 1)
  return easing(progress)

gsap.registerEase('inOut', progress => {
  const easing = bezierEasing(1, 0, 0, 1)
  return easing(progress)
  • Prefers Reduced Motion, can set up instant gsap animation and instant interactivity, and increase automatic time when the the user has activated "Prefers Reduced Motion", use this script.
import { Xt } from 'xtendui'
import gsap from 'gsap'

/* animation */

// accessibility

if (gsap.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce), (update: slow)').matches) {
  // instant animations
  // instant interactions
  Xt.durationTimescale = 1000
  // double auto time
  Xt.autoTimescale = 0.5
  • Global Duration Timescale, change javascript durations timescales, for example set this variables Xt.durationTimescale = 1.5 to have faster animations by an half.

  • Global Auto Timescale, change javascript auto duration timescales, for example set this variables Xt.autoTimescale = 0.5 to have double time on component auto changes.

You can play with gsap and Xtend UI settings, an example setup for for faster animation on mobile.

import { Xt } from 'xtendui'
import gsap from 'gsap'

/* animation */

// faster on mobile

const animationResponsive = () => {
  // faster javascript animations on small screens
  if (Xt.durationTimescale !== 1000) {
    if (gsap.matchMedia('(max-width: 767px)').matches) {
      Xt.durationTimescale = 1.5
    } else {
      Xt.durationTimescale = 1
addEventListener('resize', animationResponsive)