
Scrolltrigger component contains interactions for all sort of interaction on page scroll.


You can customize the default styles of this component inside tailwind.config.js setting theme.extend.xtendui.scroll see css customization. Check xtendui/src/scrolltrigger.css.js for default styles.


This demos use Gsap ScrollTrigger, follow gsap setup to install and use gsap.


Examples to do fade animations on page scroll. See fade for more info.

Examples to do sticky animations on page scroll. See sticky for more info.

Examples to do parallax animations on page scroll. See parallax for more info.


  • To fix touch device ScrollTrigger refresh on vertical scroll, you can use a fix that refreshes only if window width changes on resize. Just need this code one time in the project.
/* ScrollTrigger refresh fix */

Xt.scrolltriggerRerfreshFix({ ScrollTrigger })

Just remember to refresh ScrollTriggers that are hooked on bottom on resize.

const scrollTriggerBottom = ScrollTrigger.create({ /* ScrollTrigger here */ })

// refresh ScrollTrigger bottom

addEventListener('resize', scrollTriggerBottom.refresh)
  • If you trigger DOM height changes showing/hiding content or if you are initializing ScrollTrigger inside inside an element with display: none you need to refresh ScrollTrigger after the elements are visibile on the page.
here your custom code that trigger height change or show/hide elements

// refresh ScrollTrigger DOM
  • For proper resize and refresh ScrollTrigger positions, if you are using dynamic values inside start and end remember to use functions for start: () => and end: () => . Also invalidateOnRefresh: true if you have dynamic values inside animations. See Scrolltrigger faqs.