

Slide alignment on activation.

SyntaxDefault / ArgumentsDescription
Optionalign:String'center'Alignment 'left' or 'center' or 'right'


When contain is enabled (default) it groups the slides activation and positions when position values would be the same on start and end.

SyntaxDefault / ArgumentsDescription
Optioncontain:BooleantrueIf true contain the slides on available width


Wrap the slides for an infinite activation. Automatically has loop and no contain.

SyntaxDefault / ArgumentsDescription
Optionwrap:Boolean|NumberfalseWrap slides on start and end, if number activates only after checks available space based on available dragger width factor from 0 to 1

Wrap automatically doesn't activate if there's not enough space to wrap elements (must have available width same as the max target width).


When group is enabled (set a number from 0 to 1) it groups the slides activation and positions when they are inside the dragger width factor you specify.

When groupSame is enabled (default) it groups the slides activation (not positions) when when they are inside the dragger.

SyntaxDefault / ArgumentsDescription
Optiongroup:NumberfalseSet automatic grouping based on available dragger width factor from 0 to 1
OptiongroupSame:BooleantrueGroup same activations

Auto Height

SyntaxDefault / ArgumentsDescription
OptionautoHeight:QueryfalseElement inside slider to automaticaly height, remember to transition height
OptionkeepHeight:QueryfalseElements to keep height of the first slide